With Gabby, we decided to explore the sunrise light by a mangrove beach near La Preneuse, a coastal village in the south of Mauritius. So at 5:30am we packed up with charged cameras, tea, coffee and sandwiches!
There were no specific plans except that we wanted to reach Le Souffleur, a wonderful attraction on the cliffs where wild waves break on the lava rocks.
So join us on this amazing road trip, from sunrise to sunset on the southern coast.

When the sun was too high to still get these subtle pink and blue hues, we started to walk back to the car when suddenly I heard a special high-pitched sound. They were there, in the bush enjoying their breakfast with the sea view: ring-neck Parakeets (exotic species).

While driving through one of the small villages in the south looking for our way to Le Souffleur, we suddenly saw these 2 women walking in the sugar cane fields with their dogs. Within seconds, we stopped the car and grab our cameras to capture this beautiful and authentic Mauritian scene.

The sea always seem to have a special power on us: near it we feel free, powerful, uplifted. It was interesting to spot the little sea creatures clinging on the rocks despite the strong waves; from the mudskipper, the purple sea urchin to the crab.

Battery nearly low and card nearly full, on our way back home we stopped at the same mangrove beach and shot some after sunset pictures playing with silhouettes and the water patterns. Happy of all the salt and sand collected under our shoes, all the beautiful seascapes and coastal species that we found, sometimes it’s worth waking up with the sun, enjoy unplanned visits just going with the flow.
Thank you for joining us and hope to see you soon for the forest hike…

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